Egyptian mythology

Egyptian mythology

"Apophis was perhaps the only Egyptian god very powerful, was not worshiped but feared. "

Egyptian mythology is the collection of myths from ancient Egypt, which describe the actions of the Egyptian gods as a means of understanding the world. The beliefs that these myths express are an important part of ancient Egyptian religion. Myths appear frequently in Egyptian writings and art, particularly in short stories and in religious material such as hymns, ritual texts, funerary texts, and temple decoration. These sources rarely contain a complete account of a myth and often describe only brief fragments.

Some of the most famous myths of Egyptian mythology include the story of Ra and the creation of the world, the story of Osiris, Isis, and Horus, and the story of the god Anubis and the weighing of the heart.

The story of Ra and the creation of the world describes how the sun god Ra emerged from the chaos of Nun to create the world and the gods. The story of Osiris, Isis, and Horus tells of the murder of Osiris, the god of the underworld, by his brother Set, and how Osiris's wife Isis and son Horus sought to avenge his death and restore him to power.

The story of Anubis and the weighing of the heart is a myth that describes the judgement of the dead in the afterlife. It tells how the god Anubis would weigh the hearts of the deceased against the feather of Ma'at, the goddess of truth and justice, to determine whether they were worthy of entering the afterlife.

Other notable myths in Egyptian mythology include the story of the god Horus and his battles with his uncle Seth, the myth of the goddess Hathor, and the story of the god Ra and the serpent Apep.

These myths play a central role in Ancient Egyptian religion and were widely known among the ancient Egyptians. They were often depicted in art and were performed in temple rituals. They also played a significant role in shaping the culture, beliefs, and worldview of ancient Egyptians.

Egyptian mythology Legends



God of embalming, protector of graves and the judge of the dead


Goddess of magic, motherhood and fertility who protected the dead


God of the underworld and the afterlife who was killed and resurrected


The sun god who created the world and sailed through the sky in a boat


Lioness-headed goddess of war and healing


Falcon-headed god of the sky, protector of pharaohs and king of gods

Egyptian mythology Creatures



Fertility, Motherhood
A goddess with the head of a cow, associated with love, beauty, fertility, and motherhood, worshipped as a protector of women and patroness of childbirth. egyptian-mythology


Guardianship, Riddles
A mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human, often depicted as a guardian figure at temples and pyramids, known for posing riddles to travelers. egyptian-mythology


Symbol of Royalty, Protective Powers
A mythical creature with the body of a leopard and the long neck of a serpent, often depicted in Egyptian art as a symbol of royalty and protective powers. egyptian-mythology


Soul Devouring
A fearsome creature with the head of a crocodile, the body of a lion, and the hindquarters of a hippopotamus, known for devouring the hearts of the unworthy dead. egyptian-mythology


Solar Symbolism, Rebirth
A scarab beetle deity associated with the sun, creation, and rebirth, believed to push the sun across the sky each day and symbolize transformation and renewal. egyptian-mythology


Chaos, Destruction
A serpent or dragon deity representing chaos and disorder, believed to threaten the sun god Ra during his nightly journey through the underworld. egyptian-mythology


Rebirth, Solar Symbolism
A mythical bird associated with the sun, rebirth, and creation, often depicted as a heron or crane, believed to have created the world from chaos. egyptian-mythology

Egyptian mythology in POP Culture

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Sands of Oblivion

Uncovering the truth will unleash a nightmare

In 1923, legendary film Director Cecil B. DeMille finished the epic film, The Ten Commandments (1923). After filming was completed, he bulldozed the sets into the Guadalupe Sand Dunes of the central California coast. His reasons for doing so were very mysterious. This story gives a fictional explana...

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The Curse of King Tut's Tomb

Unraveling the secrets of an Ancient Curse.

Thousands of years ago, the great Child King Tutankhamen ruled. Few know the details of his life no one knows the secrets of his death. But all is about to change. In 1922 Cairo, free-spirited archaeologist Danny Fremont is certain that if found, King Tut's Emerald Tablet would hold the ultimate pow...

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Gods of Egypt

All of Heaven is at war

Set, the merciless god of darkness, has taken over the throne of Egypt and plunged the once peaceful and prosperous empire into chaos and conflict. Few dare to rebel against him. A young thief, whose love was taken captive by the god, seeks to dethrone and defeat Set with the aid of the powerful god...

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The Pyramid

You only enter once.

A team of U.S. archaeologists unearths an ancient pyramid buried deep beneath the Egyptian desert. As they search the pyramid's depths, they become hopelessly lost in its dark and endless catacombs. Searching for a way out, they become desperate to seek daylight again. They come to realize they aren...

Egyptian mythology Books

The Book of Dead

The Book of Dead

A collection of texts from ancient Egypt, intended to guide the soul of the deceased through the afterlife.
Egyptian Myth: A Very Short Introduction

Egyptian Myth: A Very Short Introduction

An overview of the beliefs, gods, and myths of ancient Egypt.
Myth and Symbol in Ancient Egypt

Myth and Symbol in Ancient Egypt

An analysis of the myths and symbols of ancient Egypt and their significance in the culture.
The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt

The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt

The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt by Richard H. Wilkinson provides a comprehensive overview of the deities worshipped in ancient Egypt. It explores the roles, myths, and symbolism associated with each god and goddess.
The Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Book of Going Forth by Day

The Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Book of Going Forth by Day

The Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Book of Going Forth by Day, translated by Raymond O. Faulkner, is a collection of ancient Egyptian funerary texts. It provides insights into ancient Egyptian beliefs about the afterlife and the journey of the soul.
The Complete Temples of Ancient Egypt

The Complete Temples of Ancient Egypt

The Complete Temples of Ancient Egypt by Richard H. Wilkinson explores the architecture, symbolism, and religious significance of temples in ancient Egypt. It provides detailed insights into the construction and function of these sacred structures.
Egyptian Mythology: A Guide to the Gods, Goddesses, and Traditions of Ancient Egypt

Egyptian Mythology: A Guide to the Gods, Goddesses, and Traditions of Ancient Egypt

Egyptian Mythology: A Guide to the Gods, Goddesses, and Traditions of Ancient Egypt by Geraldine Pinch offers a comprehensive guide to Egyptian mythology. It covers the major deities, religious practices, and cultural traditions of ancient Egypt.
The Book of the Dead: The Papyrus of Ani

The Book of the Dead: The Papyrus of Ani

A translation of the ancient Egyptian funerary text, featuring vignettes and hymns to ensure the deceased's passage into the afterlife.

Egyptian mythology based games

Titan Quest

Titan Quest

An action role-playing hack and slash game set in ancient Greece, Egypt, and Asia.

Release Date: 2006-06-26

Developer: Iron Lore Entertainment

Publisher: THQ

Platform: Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360

Genre: Action role-playing

Rating: 8

Age of Mythology

Age of Mythology

Age of Mythology is a real-time strategy game set in the ancient world, players control one of three civilizations (Greek, Egyptian, Norse) and use the powers of their gods to defeat their enemies.

Release Date: 2002-10-01

Developer: Ensemble Studios

Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios

Platform: PC

Genre: Real-time strategy

Rating: 8

Egyptian mythology Facts

Mythology in POP Culture
    • Zeus - In Greek mythology, the god Zeus was known for his power and his ability to control the weather.
    • Swastika - To the Western eye the swastika is the symbol of Hitler and the Holocaust. To Hindus it is associated with auspiciousness and fertility.
    • Pentagram - The pentagram is the symbol of Lakshmi, Hindu goddess of wealth, and Shukra, guru of demons, and is associated with Venus, wealth, fertility, creativity, and erotic power in Hindu astrology, but is considered the mark of the devil in Christianity.
    • Gorgons - In Greek mythology, the Gorgons are female monsters with snakes for hair.
    • Athena - In Greek mythology, Athena is the goddess of wisdom, war, and crafts.