KhoiKhoi Mythology

KhoiKhoi Mythology

"The traditional religion and mythology of the San people"

The Traditional Religion and Mythology of the San People

The Khoikhoi people, also known as the Khoisan, are a group of indigenous people who live in southern Africa. They have a rich and diverse mythology that reflects their culture and beliefs. Here are a few examples of famous myths from Khoikhoi mythology:

The Creation Myth

The Khoikhoi believe that the world was created by a god or gods, who formed the earth, sky, and all living things. Different Khoikhoi groups have different creation stories, but they often involve the god or gods creating the world out of chaos or darkness.

The Myth of the First Human

According to Khoikhoi legend, the first human, named /Kaggen, was created by the god or gods. Different Khoikhoi groups have different stories about how the first human was created, but they often involve the god or gods fashioning the first human out of clay or dust.

The Myth of the First Fire

The Khoikhoi believe that fire was brought to earth by a god or goddess, who gave it to humans as a gift. Different Khoikhoi groups have different stories about how fire was brought to earth, but they often involve a trickster figure stealing fire from the gods or a god or goddess giving fire to humans as a reward for good behavior.

The Myth of the First Rain

The Khoikhoi believe that the first rain was brought to the world by a god or goddess, who sent it to earth as a gift. Different Khoikhoi groups have different stories about how the first rain was brought to earth, but they often involve a god or goddess sending the rain to earth as a gift.

KhoiKhoi Mythology Facts

Mythology in POP Culture
    • Nääs - The Sami believed that the souls of the dead went to a place called Nääs.
    • The Serpent - The serpent, which is associated with earth's fertility and occult wisdom in Hinduism, is considered a manifestation of the devil in biblical traditions.
    • Ragnarok - In Norse mythology, Ragnarok is the end of the world, where the gods will fall in battle.
    • Jade Emperor - In Chinese mythology, the Jade Emperor is the ruler of all gods and the universe.
    • Valkyries - In Norse mythology, the Valkyries are female figures who choose who will die in battle and escort the chosen to Valhalla.