Myth and mythologies - Relish Folkore
Scarlet Woman

The red clothes worn by Hindu brides are associated with "scarlet women" in Christianity

Symbol of Purity

The white clothes that represent virginity and purity in the Christian mythosphere are associated with spirituality and otherworldliness in the Hindu mythosphere; are restricted to monks, priests, and widows; and do not form part of household rituals.

Symbol of Virility

The goat, the symbol of virility that is sacrificed to the Hindu Goddess, is the symbol of the devil in the biblical worldview.


The yoginis of Hinduism, who are handmaidens of the Goddess and are wild erotic creatures, recall the witches coven of the Christian mythosphere.


The pentagram is the symbol of Lakshmi, Hindu goddess of wealth, and Shukra, guru of demons, and is associated with Venus, wealth, fertility, creativity, and erotic power in Hindu astrology, but is considered the mark of the devil in Christianity.

Dark drinker of the blood

'described in Western literature as the "dark drinker of blood" and is associated with witchcraft.

The Serpent

The serpent, which is associated with earth's fertility and occult wisdom in Hinduism, is considered a manifestation of the devil in biblical traditions.


To the Western eye the swastika is the symbol of Hitler and the Holocaust. To Hindus it is associated with auspiciousness and fertility.


Demon in Judeo-Christian-Islamic Paradigm is Evil being who opposes God but in Hindu Paradigm Demon is a Being who lives under-ground in bejeweled cities, fights gods, and possess the secret of rejuvenation


Gods in Judeo-Christian-Islamic Paradigm False deities worshipped by nonbelievers and pagans whereas in Hindu Paradigm Celestial beings who live above ground or in the skies, fight demons, and have consumed the elixir of immortality


Heaven in Judeo-Christian-Islamic Paradigm is Kingdom of God and final destination of saved souls whereas in Hindu Paradigm it is Resplendent realms that exist above the earth and are inhabited by sages and gods; temporary abode of those who have accumulated good karma


Sin in Judeo-Christian-Islamic Paradigm is Transgression of divine law whereas in Hindu Paradigm it is Actions with unfavorable reactions

Restore Youth

Serpents can renew their youth because they have rolled on grass stained by the elixir of immortality.


A demon can die, but can also be resurrected because he possesses the secret of reviving the dead.

Draupadi's marriage

Shiva was pleased with Draupadi's devotion and offered her any-thing she wanted. Draupadi wanted a husband with five qualities. "I want a husband who is noble, who is strong, who is a skilled warrior, who is handsome, and who is wise," she said. Shiva misunderstood her wish and said: "So be it. You will have five such husbands."


Once a demon called Hiranyaksha dragged the earth under the sea. Vishnu took the form of a boar, plunged into the sea, killed the demon, and rescued the earth. As Vishnu rose up from the bottom of the sea he embraced the earth passionately. The embrace caused the earth to fold, and thus mountains came into being.


In Greek mythology, the god Zeus was known for his power and his ability to control the weather.


In Norse mythology, the god Thor was known for his strength and his hammer, Mjolnir.


In Egyptian mythology, the goddess Isis was known for her magical powers and her role as a protector of the dead.


In Roman mythology, Mars was the god of war and one of the most important Roman gods.


In Hindu mythology, Lord Vishnu is considered as the preserver of the universe and is one of the most important gods in Hinduism.


In Japanese mythology, Amaterasu is the goddess of the sun and the ancestor of the imperial family.


In Greek mythology, Athena is the goddess of wisdom, war, and crafts.


In Greek mythology, Medusa was a monster with snakes for hair whose gaze could turn people to stone.


In Chinese mythology, Nuwa is the goddess who created mankind and is also considered as the mother of all Chinese people.


In Norse mythology, Loki is a trickster god known for his cunning and mischief.


In Greek mythology, the Minotaur is a creature with the head of a bull and the body of a man that was said to live in the Labyrinth.


In Egyptian mythology, Anubis is the god of embalming and the dead, he is also associated with funerary rites and mummification.


In Greek mythology, the Furies were female spirits of vengeance and retribution.


In Roman mythology, Jupiter is the king of the gods, and the god of the sky and thunder.


In Hindu mythology, Lord Vishnu is known as the preserver of the universe.


In Japanese mythology, the goddess Amaterasu is the goddess of the sun and the ancestor of the Imperial Household of Japan.

Jade Emperor

In Chinese mythology, the Jade Emperor is the ruler of all gods and the universe.


In Greek mythology, the Minotaur is a creature with the head of a bull and the body of a man.


In Norse mythology, Ragnarok is the end of the world, where the gods will fall in battle.


In Egyptian mythology, the god Anubis is the god of mummification and the afterlife.


In Greek mythology, the Cyclops are a race of giant one-eyed monsters.


In Norse mythology, Loki is the god of fire and mischief.


In Egyptian mythology, the goddess Hathor is the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility.


In Greek mythology, the Hydra is a serpent-like creature with multiple heads.


In Norse mythology, the Valkyries are female figures who choose who will die in battle and escort the chosen to Valhalla.


In Egyptian mythology, the god Horus is the god of the sky, war, and protection.


In Greek mythology, the centaur is a creature with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a horse.


In Norse mythology, the giants are a race of powerful beings who live in Jotunheim.


In Egyptian mythology, the god Set is the god of chaos, violence, and deserts.


In Greek mythology, the Harpies are winged monsters with the heads of women.


In Norse mythology, the god Odin is the king of the gods and the god of wisdom, war, and death.


In Egyptian mythology, the god Ra is the god of the sun and the creator of the world.


In Greek mythology, the Gorgons are female monsters with snakes for hair.


In Norse mythology, the god Frey is the god of fertility, wealth, and peace.


In Egyptian mythology, the goddess Maat is the goddess of order, justice, and truth.


In Greek mythology, the Sphinx is a creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human.


In Norse mythology, the god Heimdall is the guardian of the Bifrost

The Sami People

The Sami are the indigenous people of northern Europe and have their own mythology.

Northern Lights

The Sami believed the northern lights were a sign of their gods and goddesses dancing in the sky.

Meadow Louse

Meadow Louse was a Sami god who was responsible for creating the world.


Antervasara was the goddess of childbirth and protector of children.


Sieidi were sacred stones, trees, or other natural objects that were believed to be inhabited by spirits.


The god of the sea was Beaivi, the Sami sun god.


The Sami believed in a powerful sky god called Horagalles.


The Sami believed in a race of giant creatures called huldufólk.


The Sami believed that their ancestors lived in an underground world called Sáiva.


The Sami believed that the souls of the dead went to a place called Nääs.