Somali Mythology

Somali Mythology

"Somali mythology covers the beliefs, myths, legends and folk tales circulating in Somali"

Somali Mythology

Somali mythology covers the beliefs, myths, legends and folk tales circulating in Somali society that were passed down to new generations in a timeline spanning several millennia.

Somali mythology includes a diverse set of stories and legends that reflect the culture and beliefs of the Somali people. Here are a few examples of famous myths from Somali mythology:

The Creation Myth

The Somali believe that the world was created by God (Waaq), who created the first human beings, the first animals, and the first plants.

The Myth of the First Woman

According to Somali legend, the first woman, named Hawo, was created from a rib taken from the first man, named Adaan.

The Myth of the First Fire

The Somali believe that fire was brought to earth by a bird named Shimbir, who stole it from the gods and gave it to humans.

The Myth of the First Ancestor

The Somali believe that the first ancestor, named Samaale, was the progenitor of all Somali clans.

The Myth of the First Death

The Somali believe that death was brought to the world by a god named Ebla, who punished humans for their disobedience.

The Myth of the First Rain

The Somali believe that the first rain was brought to the world by a god named Ebla, who punished humans for their disobedience.

Please note that these are just a few examples and there are many more myths and legends that are important to the Somali people, as Somali mythology is vast and diverse. Also, It's worth mentioning that a lot of the oral tradition was lost through the years.

Somali Mythology Facts

Mythology in POP Culture
    • Loki - In Norse mythology, Loki is the god of fire and mischief.
    • Horus - In Egyptian mythology, the god Horus is the god of the sky, war, and protection.
    • Yoginis - The yoginis of Hinduism, who are handmaidens of the Goddess and are wild erotic creatures, recall the witches coven of the Christian mythosphere.
    • Zeus - In Greek mythology, the god Zeus was known for his power and his ability to control the weather.
    • Sphinx - In Greek mythology, the Sphinx is a creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human.